Mengqi Lu, Yuqing Ni, Wen Yang, Chao Yang, “HMM Noise Injection for Privacy Protection in a Cooperative LQG Control System”, submitted.
Chao Yang, Yuqing Ni, Wen Yang, Hongbo Shi, “Privacy Preservation by Local Design in Cooperative Networked Control Systems”, submitted.
Shan Chen, Yuqing Ni*, Nuo Wang, Yize Chen, Fei Liu, “LTSFA-Based Attack Detection and Isolation Algorithm for Remote State Estimation”, submitted.
Wenhao Lin, Yuqing Ni, Xiaoqiang Ren, Wen Yang, Chao Yang, “Privacy Preservation by Public Design in Cloud-Based Cooperative LQG Control Systems”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, accepted, 2025. PDF
Shan Chen, Yuqing Ni*, Lingying Huang, Xiaoli Luan, Fei Liu, “Clustering-Based Detection Algorithm of Remote State Estimation under Stealthy Innovation-Based Attacks with Historical Data”, Neurocomputing, volume 616, pp.128942, 2025. PDF
Lidong He, Mengran Li, Yuqing Ni*, Yanhui Tong, “A Quasilinear Quadratic Tracking Method for Systems with Saturating Actuators”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, volume 35, issue 3, pp.1046-1059, 2025. PDF
Yuhao Liu, Yuqing Ni*, Chang Dong, Jun Chen, Fei Liu, “Task Scheduling for Control System Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, Neurocomputing, volume 610, pp.128609, 2024. PDF
Rui Wang, Lingyu Ai, Yinghui Wang, Xiaolong Zhu, Yuqing Ni, Myungjin Cho, “Generating Real-Scene Hologram through Light Field Imaging and Deep Learning”, Journal of Optics, volume 26, issue 7, pp.075706, 2024. PDF
Hanxiao Liu, Yuqing Ni, Xiaofan Wang, Lihua Xie, “Linear Attacks against Remote State Estimation: Performance Analysis under an Encryption Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, volume 11, issue 4, pp.1812-1824, 2024. PDF
Yun Chen, Fuyi Qu, Yuqing Ni, Yuzhe Li, “Strategic Information Transmission against Malicious Eavesdropper and Semi-Honest Estimator: A Tripartite Game Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, volume 11, issue 4, pp.1825-1834, 2024. PDF
Hanxiao Liu, Yuqing Ni, Ding Lyu, Xiaoqiang Ren, Xiaofan Wang, “Subsystem-Importance-Aware DoS Attacks and Countermeasures”, Automatica, volume 164, pp.111640, 2024. PDF
Xinxin Yang, Yuqing Ni*, Zhe Wu, Wen Yang, Fei Liu, “Optimal Denial-of-Service Attack Scheduling for Remote State Estimation with Time-Varying Noise Power”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, volume 34, issue 6, pp.3962-3974, 2024. PDF
Qingchen Liu, Jie Wang, Yuqing Ni, Cong Zhang, Ling Shi, Jiahu Qin, “Performance Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems under Two Types of Stealthy Deception Attacks”, Automatica, volume 160, pp.111446, 2024. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Xiaochen Liu, Chao Yang, “Sensor Scheduling for Remote State Estimation with Limited Communication Resources: A Time- and Event-Triggered Hybrid Approach”, Sensors, volume 23, issue 21, pp.8667, 2023. PDF
Hao Shi, Yuqing Ni, Mengran Li, Lidong He, “Detection-Estimation Strategies for Delayed Systems with Unavailable Packet Sequence”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, volume 360, issue 5, pp.3575-3591, 2023. PDF
Hanxiao Liu, Yuqing Ni, Lihua Xie, Karl Henrik Johansson, “How Vulnerable is Innovation-based Remote State Estimation: Fundamental Limits under Linear Attacks”, Automatica, volume 136, pp.110079, 2022. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Xiaoqiang Ren, Subhrakanti Dey, Ling Shi, “Remote State Estimation with a Strategic Sensor Using a Stackelberg Game Framework”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, volume 8, issue 4, pp.1613-1623, 2021. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Junfeng Wu, Li Li, Ling Shi, “Multi-Party Dynamic State Estimation that Preserves Data and Model Privacy”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, volume 16, pp.2288-2299, 2021. PDF
Ziyang Guo, Yuqing Ni*, Wing Shing Wong, Ling Shi, “Time Synchronization Attack and Countermeasure for Multi-System Scheduling in Remote Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 66, issue 2, pp.916-923, 2021. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Ziyang Guo, Yilin Mo, Ling Shi, “On the Performance Analysis of Reset Attack in Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 65, issue 1, pp.419-425, 2020. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Alex S. Leong, Daniel E. Quevedo, Ling Shi, “Pricing and Selection of Channels for Remote State Estimation Using a Stackelberg Game Framework”, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, volume 5, issue 4, pp.657-668, 2019. PDF
Yuhao Liu, Yuqing Ni*, Jun Chen, Fei Liu, “DRL-based Resource Scheduling for Control System in Heterogeneous Environment”, International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI), Shenyang, China, 2024. PDF
Wenhao Lin, Yuqing Ni, Wen Yang, Chao Yang, “Privacy Preservation by Intermittent Transmission in Cooperative LQG Control Systems”, Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Dalian, China, 2024. PDF
Haonan Zhang, Yuqing Ni*, Yuhao Liu, Xiaoli Luan, Fei Liu, “D3QN-Based Online Sensor Scheduling for Remote State Estimation”, Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Dalian, China, 2024. PDF
Xinxin Yang, Yuqing Ni*, Xiaomeng Chen, Shan Chen, Fei Liu, “Optimal Denial-of-Service Attack Scheduling for Remote State Estimation via Sequential Observations”, Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Kunming, China, 2024. PDF
Ji Shi, Lidong He, Yuqing Ni, Yanhui Tong, “Variational Bayesian-Based Robust Weighted Cubature Kalman Filter for State Estimation”, International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (ICAUS), Nanjing, China, 2023. PDF
Mengran Li, Yuqing Ni, Lidong He, Yanhui Tong, “A Quasilinear Quadratic Tracking Algorithm for Systems with Saturating Actuators”, International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (ICAUS), Nanjing, China, 2023. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Chao Yang, Xiaochen Liu, Xiaoli Luan, Fei Liu, “Submodularity-Based Sensor Scheduling for State Estimation among Multiple Linear Dynamical Systems”, Jiangsu Annual Conference on Automation, Wuxi, China, 2022. PDF
Xiaochen Liu, Yuqing Ni, Lingli Hu, Wenjie Ming, Yao Ding, Shuang Wang, Jizhong Shen, “A P300-Classification and Spike-Detection Based Study of the Cognitive and Memory Impairment in Epilepsy” (Best Paper Award), Jiangsu Annual Conference on Automation, Wuxi, China, 2022. PDF
Hanxiao Liu, Yuqing Ni, Lihua Xie, Karl Henrik Johansson, “An Optimal Linear Attack Strategy on Remote State Estimation”, IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2020. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Kemi Ding, Yong Yang, Ling Shi, “On the Performance Analysis of Binary Hypothesis Testing with Byzantine Sensors”, Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Guangzhou, China, 2019. PDF
Kam Fai Elvis Tsang, Yuqing Ni, Cheuk Fung Raphael Wong, Ling Shi, “A Novel Warehouse Multi-Robot Automation System with Semi-Complete and Computationally Efficient Path Planning and Adaptive Genetic Task Allocation Algorithms”, International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, 2018. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Alex S. Leong, Daniel E. Quevedo, Ling Shi, “Game-Theoretic Pricing and Selection with Fading Channels”, Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Gold Coast, Australia, 2017. PDF
Yuqing Ni, Ziyang Guo, Ling Shi, “Cyber-Physical Systems Security: A Control-Theoretic Approach”, Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, 2021. PDF
刘晗笑,倪雨青,吕丁,任肖强,汪小帆,柳春,徐梁,彭艳, “一种针对信息物理系统远程状态估计的拒绝服务攻击方法”, 中国国家发明专利, 2024年授权.
倪雨青,杨欣欣,栾小丽,赵顺毅,刘飞, “面向时变噪声功率的最优DoS能量调度方法及系统”, 中国国家发明专利, 2024年授权.
栾小丽,高爽,赵顺毅,倪雨青,刘飞, “一种基于辅助量测信息的精馏塔单吨能耗估计方法及系统”, 中国国家发明专利, 2022年授权.